Sunday, November 5, 2017

Day 4 and 5, together

I am grateful for:

  1. The 2008 Cadillac STS that my Mom is givng to my daughter as her first car.  It’s really nice, safe, and comfortable.  We’ll drive it home from Oklahoma over the holidays.
  2. The seasons.
  3. The fact that my vision is starting to improve after my first intraocular injection.

and Day 5:

  1. The rain.  I love the mood of a rainy day, more and more as I age.
  2. The gym at work, where I can exercise any time, in any weather.
  3. The fact that my eye condition is no longer keeping me from exercise.  I can’t run at the moment, but I found that 45 minutes of walking burns slightly more calories than running more than a 5k in 32 minutes.

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